A perfectly synchronized team of four energetic entrepreneurs with a common business goal is racing successfully ahead. They show how a partnership can build multiple businesses and bring under one umbrella to tap the best possible value. Precisely calculated and calibrated diversification gives them stronger wing to fly in the world of business towards being a prudently diversified corporate entity. The Surat-based Jalaram Group stands up proudly to tell the young India a story of success out of a well-tuned partnership and hard work.
One’s flamboyant education is not a convincing metric for being a successful entrepreneur. Even without having big degrees and professional qualifications one can be a successful entrepreneur, provided there is a vision and desire for it. The Surat based Jalaram Group’s Suresh Patoliya and his three partners, Chelan, Paresh and Arvind prove it unequivocally. If you have a fire in your belly and immaculate trust among promoters, you do not need any university education, nor need to have any exposure. “We only need to know what we do, how do we do it and how big the task is,” says Suresh, now aged 34. All four equal partners in the same mental wavelength and vision work with excellent coordination, fine-tuned to achieve a common goal. Surprisingly, the four coming together makes everything possible and make every business prudent in a unique away.
The same spirit made them show themselves more as business idea executors than being mere career technocrats. That’s how the idea of setting up restaurant chain in the name of Coffee King emerged.

has entered into another diversified business, manufacturing of water purifying chemicals. Once the four-member entrepreneurs group decides to do, they will do it in such a way that sets a standard for others and be the best in the segment. The chemical plant, fast coming up in Ankleshwar, in 21 ,000 square meters of land with flexibility for future expansion, is of world class unit for production of calcium hypochlorite, with track-record of being the fastest built unit of that size in the world.
The group’s vastly diversified business with each of the partners heading each of the verticals shows, nothing is impossible for them in business. “We reinvest what we earn, spend our time for dedicated work without any distraction, work hard with a focused mind and aggregate all our strengths into one common aim. That is the reason, today, we have reached this stage,” Suresh points out while sharing his earlier days in Surat since he came from Saurastra region of Gujarat in search of a job. “We all were working in an automobile garage as mechanics. And we all have a common socio-economic background”, he says.
So it is natural that the four young entrepreneurs hailing from Amreli of the Saurashtra region have jointly built a diversified business group with interest in automobile services , two-wheeler dealership , fuel retailing , branded restaurants and of late in manufacturing of water purifying chemicals , calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite. While the new venture in to manufacturing and exporting of water purifying chemicals is yet to generate revenue, each of the diversified businesses is independent profit making verticals.

Suresh is very hopeful that the new business will generate surplus in the first full year of operation as the way he receives export inquiry and commitments even before the plant begins its operation. The four partners had been cherishing their dream of starting a business during their first employment tenure as automobile mechanic in Surat. Four youngsters moved ahead shoulder-to-shoulder taking every decision unanimously. Whoever, proposes it, every decision becomes unanimous ultimately, says Chelan, who looks after the three automobile service centers, one each for passenger car of Tata Motors and Hyundai Motors and one multi-brand car servicing. “It was in 2010, we became service franchisee of Tata Motors and, two years later, we built Hyundai Motors service franchisee,” he adds.
Each of the partners tried to make sure that the term, “team” has its complete meaning in their venture and business spirit. The same spirit made them show themselves more as business idea executors than being mere career technocrats. That’s how the idea of setting up restaurant chain in the name of Coffee King emerged. “If you have a business idea, it may not always be easy for you to implement it successfully. There may be many reasons like paucity of capital, inadequacy of talent for managing it or some other obstacles for it,” Suresh points out, adding: “I always think of taking a step ahead of presumed schedule, so that we reap the benefits of good time before the anticipated time. That’s a bonus for our careful planning, he says.
When the idea of setting up specialized restaurant came up to the Jalaram group, the team made right assessment of people’s changing lifestyle in the flourishing city of Surat. “Though coffee is not a staple beverage for the people of Surat, its aroma has the potential to attract people, especially when the financially rich locals’ habit of eating-out is growing fast in the famous textile city of India. We have seen that the city is changing and found there in a big space for us also,” he avers.