Sign of growth With best productivity measures and improved morale, Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) has undergone a major turnaround by achieving operating and net profit for the last four consecutive years (FY2015-16 to 2018-19) after a gap of 65 years without any financial assistance or grant from the government. Its revenue from operations (VoP) has increased year-on-year during the last four years. HSL has achieved a VoP of `595 crore, operating profit of `68.08 crore and profit after tax (PAT) of `36.23 crore during FY2018 -19. The PAT has increased by 73% during FY 2018-19whencomparedwithprevious year. HSL has turned around in securing orders in the competitive bidding process. HSL has emerged as the lowest bidder (L1) in the competitive tendering process for 3 tenders during the FY...
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