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BlogSajikumar Nair

Save the planet, not the humans

If we do not change our habits and attitudes, we are in for something disastrous. As we talk about creating more comforts for human life, building wealth and luxuries, we forget the amount of offence we load on our environment. Human life cannot remain on earth if we make the planet unsafe to dwell on.  I know it is hard to digest. Truth is always bitter. It is tasteless. Once you ask me, I will say this is the time we should stop directly addressing human issues. Instead, we must save the planet. If we ruin the planet, we will have no space to live on earth. Our species will vanish, Just a fear, not sure – a hapless soul cannot have better optimism.  Let us compare ourselves with other living things. According to us, the first difference between human beings and...

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Population of India

S.No.State NamePopulation in 2011Estimated population in 20211.Andaman & Nicobar Islands380,581399,0012.Andhra Pradesh84,580,77791,702,4783.Arunachal Pradesh1,383,7271,711,9474.Assam31,205,57635,998,7525.Bihar104,099,452128,500,3646.Chandigarh1,055,4501,158,0407.Chhattisgarh25,545,19832,199,7228.Dadra and Nagar Haveli343,709453,0089.Daman and Diu243,247320,98910.Delhi16,787,94119,301,09611.Goa1,458,5451,521,99212.Gujarat60,439,69270,400,15313.Haryana25,351,46228,900,66714.Himachal Pradesh6,864,6027,503,01015.Jammu and Kashmir12,541,30214,999,39716.Jharkhand32,988,13440,100,37617.Karnataka61,095,29769,599,76218.Kerala33,406,06134,698,87619.Lakshadweep64,47366,00120.Madhya Pradesh72,626,80985,002,41721.Maharashtra112,374,333124,904,07122.Manipur2,855,7943,436,94823.Meghalaya2,966,8893,7...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Maya Bazar: Market for big money

Pandemic, a disastrous time for most people, changed everything. However, some segments could grow up. No edifice built on the air of illusion, be it the bet on equities or the kingdom of the virtual world, sustains a storm. They would fall like ninepins. It has been shocking for me. Maybe for many others like me too. In the pandemic time, we have no other option than to rely on a virtual world. As I used to say in many earlier blogs, we have lost our wisdom, because we have chosen to plunge ourselves into an illusionary world. Imaginations, conjectures and hypotheses drive us. No surprise then that we are tempted to risk our hard-earned money into elusive assets. We have the legacy of weighing imagination with values, giving larger than a real-life image to something impalpable. We...

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Crumbing State of Careless Natives

If what the serosurvey points out is true and the test-positivity factor is a warning, Kerala is crumbling gradually. It is not because of the failures of the State government and local governing authorities alone but by the combined contribution of natives’ neglect of all precautions. Until the natives voluntarily do not try a temporary embargo on their reckless run for ruinous cannabis and alcoholic drinks, the infectious virus will continue to stay with them to ensure total devastation. The time is still not too late to be careful. I am afraid Kerala is in a mess reeling with more than half the number of new Covid-19 cases reported in the entire country. I remember the excellent preparation of Kerala for an all-out fight against the pandemic in summer last year, joined by the police...

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Immunity: Immune to misconception?

It seems people have chosen to die of fear. The crazy preventive restrictions may kill the rest before the pandemic may do it. Only the government is in a safe zone with rising tax collections and trade surplus. Lenders are making huge profits. The equities are roaring. Everything is up, while commoners are down to poverty. Policymakers have set the stage for a third wave! Somewhere there is a grievous missing link. Like every other animal, human beings also have innate immunity. We are also supposed to live in interaction with organisms around us, as other animals too do. That is in the inviolable order of nature. Our inadequate knowledge or over-hygiene practices makes us worry about even something trivial.  A life synchronised with nature saves us and helps us live a happier...

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AchieverCorporate News

The Ayurveda Company

Raises growth capital The Ayurveda Company, owned by KE Healthcare Pvt Ltd, has successfully managed to raise capital for its future growth. The company is preparing itself to become India’s fastest-growing D2C beauty and wellness brand, say its Founders Param Bhargava and Shreedha Singh. The Ayurveda Company (TAC), which claims to be India’s first science-backed Ayurveda, has raised an undisclosed amount in various rounds of funding from GetVantage, Velocity, and Shiprocket Capital through revenue-based financing. The company will deploy these investments for growth marketing, inventory capital and workplace benefits. The brand aims to target the growing digital consumers of India in the D2C personal care space. This is the second venture of founders Param and Shreedha after the su...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

From Kalalayam to virtual classes

If anyone asks me what may be the next biggest disaster our next generation is set to face, I say doubtlessly, it is their education. The system of virtual classes for as long a period as two years has shattered our children, who were otherwise also carrying the damage of syllabus overburden. The concern is squaring up. The memory of university or college, usually known as Kalalayam in Malayalam, comes with excitement, perhaps the most exciting in the entire life. The reminiscence renders a smile. I am damn sure, for many people, the life on the campus was remarkably sweet. Kalalayam means a place or a platform to develop skills and taste for a subject at the young age of a person for a bright future. That was also a place for politics, arts and sports, great fun and what not. That was...

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BlogUdaykumar K.V.

That’s how transition happens!

Modi has redefined the veteran-ism. As the gallery occupiers are leaving their space, new talents are taking their space. Modi has brought in an inevitable transition in the cabinet formation with an abrupt deviation from the style of running with the regular senior faces. Gerontocracy is waning, thanks to the youngest Cabinet in place with the widest national representation. It is always unpredictable. That is how Narendra Modi acts. The fourth estate has long lost its once-powerful nose to smell what goes on inside the power circle. Modi knows how the fourth estate used to make itself a powerful lobby tool by which the powerful could remain powerful ever. But Modi has rewritten it, rather more adventurously this time by elevating many of his party workers to a level that most of them...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Who dares to say the emperor has no clothes?

If anyone repeats a mistake several times, that is attributable to be either deliberate or absurd. That is arrogance and irresponsibility. When a government does it, one has to call it out.  We see it routinely in the practice of State administration. Foul after foul deliberately. When we do something to correct, the action boomerangs for more severe consequences than the devastating pandemic. Can we go for it? Now that is what is going on. Corrective action is more severely counter-productive.  When Covid-19 infection began to spread all over the world in January 2020 nobody could predict anything. A year after the so-called first wave started, everyone thought the pandemic was over. We began to return to normal life by the fag end of 2020. Neither the Indian scientist nor any...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

The aimless action called reservation

The backward section is still identified as “backwards”, much to their indignation. Any change in the perception hinges on our country’s bold move to break the caste-based reservation. Much brain drain has already happened at the cost of the British ghost of reservation. The darkness of tonight refuses to open for a morrow. Exactly 24 years ago, I wrote about the scourge that is still surveying. The recollection is exciting. That was the occasion of India’s 50th Independence Day celebration. The subject was the reservation that India still sadly celebrates. The reservation system in India has a British legacy. The architect of India’s constitution, Dr B R Ambedkar favoured the Communal Award proposed by the then British Prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald, in the Round Table Conference...

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