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BlogEditorialExclusiveFocusUdaykumar K.V.

The need for a new equation for inclusive growth

Covid-19 took the lives of nearly 1.9 million people in 2020, with the biggest toll reported by the US and Brazil. The year saw over 84 million people infected, while the exact number recorded in China, the epicenter was not known to the world. India stood third place n terms of infection and mortality while having only half the number recorded by the US India's mortality rate was also the lowest, which astonished the world. The year 2021 began with not so good news for California and London as the death toll and fear of infection in these places terrified the world. But for the rest of the world, the year 2021 began with a hope of ebbing the pandemic load and bracing a hope of vaccine supplies. Most people in India considered Covid-19 only as flu. Doctors called it the dirty flu wi...

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NBCFDC: Inoculation training

The government carried out nine-day upskilling training in the blended learning model of e-leaming and physical workshops for inoculation of vaccines. National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and Apollo Medskills has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) for delivery of vaccine administration training to nurses and pharmacists belonging to the other backward classes communities (OBCs) and economically backward classes (EBCs) persons using the co-funding of NBCFDC. The nine-day upskilling training is to be carried out in the blended learning model Of e-learning and physical workshops as per the curriculum drawn from operating guidelines issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Over the next ...

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The thriving inorganic business has the potential to conquer the world for the misery of the next generation of animal lovers and meat lovers fail to mind the non-science of the ultra-science. The cloning business is attracting huge capital to tap the huge market of meats and pets. The dangerous next-generation business is set to thrive on the next generation's craze Of making everything by infringing nature. None cared when cloned cats and dogs had hit headlines of the science press. When people want to eat the meat of cloned livestock, that's crazy. Livestock cloning is not a headline but a beautiful advertisement. A science magazine recently reported. In China, where demand for prime-quality beef is rocketing, another cloning company thinks its customer's wilt. Boyalife Genomi...

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ExclusiveFocusSajikumar Nair

Chaotic 2020: Out of Wall

If small companies fail to come up. the economy can only edge into a more serious crisis. The effect will percolate down to massive loan repayment defaults, dragging the lenders' feet also into crisis. The calendar 2020 wasn't inspiring. except to select drug companies. mostly multinationals. Everyone had a big hope as the Old calendar opened. as usual But in business, things were not so good for small businesses even before the hit of the pandemic. They weren't fully out of the woods. Many of the small business units hadn't fully recovered from the impacts Of demonetization and compulsion to migrate into the post-GST era. Still. they all might have anticipated a turnaround by the fag-end of the year 2020. But everything turned topsy-turvy before the first quarter of the calendar 20...

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A gulf-based Indian businessman has done great work for his fellow citizens

Dhananjay Datar Chairman and MD, A1 Adil Trading LLC, IJAE Dr Dhananjay Datar, Gulf-based Indian businessman has done great work for his fellow citizens. His business group has rescued over 5000 Indians stranded at various troubled- zones, including Yemen. Shipping crews including 14 Indians, five Bangladeshis, and one Egyptian were confined in Yemen for 10 months. Early December. they were released, thanks to the intervention Of Dr. Dhananjay Datar, Chairman and Managing Director of Al Adil Trading LLC, UAE. Datar is popularly known as Masala King. He took painstaking efforts to make this rescue possible by keeping a follow-up and continuous communication with the Indian Embassy in Djibouti. close to Yemen. Dr. Datar also donated t20,000 each as emergency help to t...

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Cover FeatureCover Story

Union Bank of India: Digital bank-ability to harbinger a revolution

The digitization of small-loan processing and disbursement is a path- breaking step. The second-largest public sector lender to the MSMEs has set its focus on building three pillars, such as attractiveness, responsiveness and outreach. The lock-down in no way hindered the bank from making itself accessible to MSMEs as both the conventional and online channels were actively open for customers. Within seven months of government's announcement for amalgamation of two smaller public sector bank, Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank with Union Bank of India, everything fell in place for smooth transition. The final leg of amalgamation coincided with the worst crisis that India had ever seen, through the pandemic induced first phase of the strict lock-down. However, that did not impact the process o

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Around The World

Better than feared Christmas celebration

Europe and America are still cold. The virus hasn't shown any sign of retreat. In fact, a second wave is passing through. the two continents. In Beijing. Associated Press reported, official churches abruptly cancelled Mass on Christmas Day. China’s Capital was put on high alert after confirmation of two COVID-19 cases last week, and two new asymptomatic cases were reported Friday. One of several notices was posted at Beijing's St Joseph's Church , which was built by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century. According to the foreign reports. in Paris, members of Notre Dame Cathedral's choir, wearing hard hats and protective suits — not against COVID-19 but for construction conditions in the medieval landmark ravaged by fire in 2019 — sang inside the church for the first time since ...

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TEXPROCIL 66th Annual General Meeting

Manoj K. Patodia Chairman, TEXPROCIL Patodia is a well-known entrepreneur active in various associations. His appointment will help its members in many ways, thanks to his sound knowledge of the industry and MSMEs. Manoj Kumar Patodia is elected Chairman of TEXPROCIL in its 66th Annual General Meeting. Patodia has the export of yarns and fabrics across the world and in real estate development in the southern part of India. He has vast experience in corporate management. spanning over three decades, besides exports. He has played a key role in the establishment of Indian textile products worldwide. He is also a member of the Western region committee of FICCI. Managing Committee Member at Chamber of Commerce Industry (IMC). Prior to this, he was heading the MSME committee and carried...

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News Analysis

India’s Covid-19

India's Covid-19 The year 2021 began with a hope of declining numbers in infection cases. Now the active cases constitute only 2.47 per cent of the total reported cases. The number of mortality also has declined significantly. India recorded the world's second-highest number Of Covid-19 infection cases. India's peak number was nearly million cases out of which more than 9.6 million have been treated by the beginning of the year 2021. 5 States account for 63% of total deaths in the country But India's mortality rate has been much Lower than the world average. There may be many reasons for it among them has obviously been popular home remedies of steam inhalation, use of medicinal herbs and spices. Thanks to the Indians' kitchen, which is a half pharmacy. The year 2021 ...

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Market Review

Equities Boom

Equities Boom A bad year for many people, yet too good for some, the year 2020 witnessed the once-in-a-century pandemic. God only knows whether this equation may change in this century. Ring in a new calendar, new hope and an entirely changed world, most people will have to take an untrod-den route. Unpredictability ruled all predict-abilities in 2020, as the stock indices were at the peak when the world was reeling in a pandemic. In the Indian stock market. a correction needs no big reason. A technical correction needs only a transient reason. On 31st December 2019, Sen-sex closed at 41253 after losing more than 300 points over the previous day. The calendar 2020 opened with a rise Of 150 points in the Sen-sex over the previous days close on a dull note. But the bull lost it's the ...

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