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Better than feared Christmas celebration

Europe and America are still cold. The virus hasn’t shown any sign of retreat. In fact, a second wave is passing through. the two continents.

In Beijing. Associated Press reported, official churches abruptly cancelled Mass on Christmas Day. China’s Capital was put on high alert after confirmation of two COVID-19 cases last week, and two new asymptomatic cases were reported Friday. One of several notices was posted at Beijing’s St Joseph’s Church , which was built by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century.

According to the foreign reports. in Paris, members of Notre Dame Cathedral’s choir, wearing hard hats and protective suits — not against COVID-19 but for construction conditions in the medieval landmark ravaged by fire in 2019 — sang inside the church for the first time since the blaze. In a Christmas Eve concert, accompanied by an acclaimed cellist and a rented organ. the socially distanced singers performed beneath the cathedral’s stained glass windows amid the darkened church. which is transitioning from being a hazardous cleanup operation to becoming a massive reconstruction site. The public was not allowed in and isn’t expected to see the interior of Notre Dame until at least 2024 Partial lock-down measures in

Rome were keeping the believers from gathering in St. Peter’s Square. where in past years lakhs of people would receive a papal blessing and hear the pope’s traditional Christmas Day message.

The pandemic fear, however, hasn’t curtailed the Christmas celebration around the world so much as anticipated.

But they wouldn’t have been able to see Pope Francis anyway this year. As virus resurgence in Italy compelled the pontiff to stop appearing on the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica this Christmas but opted to deliver his annual address on world issues from inside the Apostolic Palace. Elsewhere, Christmas was a difficult time, Associated Press reported.

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