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Climate Crisis of the world

Much has changed in recent years. No one has noted many of the changes, because the change was insignificant but consistent. Too many moles make a mountain. Himalaya melted more significantly in the last four decades filling the rivers and flooding their basins. Over 1.2 billion people on earth depend on the water resources of melting Himalayan ice. Faster melting depletes the resources equally faster and consistent reduction in mountain size, significantly influencing the monsoons in the east, west and southern hemisphere. Thus, the rain-fed regions are put to face a potential danger of dwindling rains and erratic weather conditions. The Himalayas will continue to face the impact of climate change and man-made environmental offences. As the world knows, China is making the planet an unlivable place, as it is on its way to becoming the world’s worst environmental offender.

Its Belt and Road initiatives to connect Europe through central Asia and eventually to the Arctic by developing shipping routes showed the country’s no concern for the environment. Within China too, in the name of development, it has inflicted heavy damage on the environment. People have been suffering the worst. Yet the government is unconcerned. Recently it announced a project named “Polar Silk Route” for the development of Arctic and Antarctic regions.

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