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Rakesh Shah wants his company to be one of the 50 best companies with a high level of respect and credibility. The pace at which the company revived from ground zero six years ago shows the top management can drive its business on a high-speed lane, thanks to the plan for rapid expansion and diversification by making the best use of its emergingproduction capacity and existing R&D skills. Rakesh Shah has a wonderful history as a successful entrepreneur, very interesting and inspiring. First of all, he hasn't inherited a business legacy, making his entry into the business more challenging for himself. Nevertheless, things haven't been so tough, thanks to his sagacious approach and precise calculation. "Though I belong to a service classfamily, doing business was my passion since the...

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Loan write-off Never means a defaulter is forgiven

Write off doesn't mean forgiving the defaulters' loan. It is only a technical term used in the accounting of commercial banks for recalibration ofnon-performing assets (NPA) to save tax, after making full provision against the NPA. This practice is done since prudential norms came into existence many years ago. Many people, including intellectuals and pseudointellectuals, still publicise "writing off' of corporate loans, as if the lenders have forgiven the loans. Surprisingly, they do not know the term write-off is only a misguiding argument. It is no more freedom for the borrowers to sit without the liability of repaying it.Every borrower will have to repay their loans even if the banks write off the loan from their books. Write off doesn't mean forgiving th...

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Who doesn’t want LIC of India’s IPO? THE SIZE MATTERS

As presumed, if the government dilutes 10 per cent ofLIC’s stake, the sum of the initial public offer (IPO) isexpected to be around ₹1 trillion to ₹1.5 trillion, whichthe Indian IPO market has never seen in history. Thesize would be roughly 10 times the size of the biggestprevious primary market issue and substantiallyhigher than the secondary market’s total cashsegment volume. In August 2002, when Union Bank of India came out with its first public issue, then Chairman and Managing Director Leeladhar told me: “Our public issue persuaded many people in places like Uttar Pradesh where Union Bank of India has a considerable presence, to subscribe to the equity offer. The issue made many people open de-mat accounts and contributed to the proliferation of equity cult.” Similarly, LIC’s colo...

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Make in India – Building massive defence market

In recent years India has seen rising defence proposals worth close to ₹ 2 trillion under various categories of capital0 acquisition, which promote domestic manufacturing under the defence Acquisition/procurement procedure. Exports also are rising. The government has implemented the ‘Make in India initiative in the defence sector through various policy initiatives to promote indigenous design, development and manufacture of defence items. During the last two financial years - 2018-19 and 2019-2020 and 2020- 21till December 2020, the government accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) to 112 defence proposals, worth ₹1,99,860 crores, under the various categories of capital acquisition, which promote domestic manufacturing under the Defence Acquisition/Procurement Procedure. ...

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News Analysis

One Nation One Ration card

Successful citizen-centric reform According to the latest report, seventeen States have successfully operationalised the One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) system. States migrated to the One Nation One Ration Card system are eligible for additional borrowing of 0.25 per cent of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). Accordingly, the Central government granted these States additional borrowing permission of ₹37,600 crores by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. The system is an important citizencentric reform. Its implementation ensures the availability of ration to beneficiaries under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) and other welfare schemes, especially the migrant workers and their families at any fair price shop (FPS) across the country. The reform especially em...

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News Analysis

Women need job protection Schemes that save them

There are several initiatives and protective provisionsto improve women's participation in the labour force.Now women get paid maternity leave of 26 weeksinstead of earlier 12 weeks. he Periodic Labour Force Survey T(PLFS) conducted during 2017-18 and 2018-19 NSO showed Female Unemployment Rate (UR) on usual status for 15 years and above was 5.6% and 5.1% respectively. According to Payroll Reporting in India: An Employment Perspective – December 2020, released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation during April 2020 – December 2020, there was an addition of nearly a million female subscribers under the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) Scheme, 1.13 lakh female subscribers under the New Pension Scheme (NPS) and around 2.03 lakh female subscribers under Employees' St...

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EconomyInfrastructureNews Analysis

Investment in infra sectors

Fuel for economic growth Through various amendments, the government is trying toopen up more sources of investments in the infrastructuresector, besides equity infusion in the NIIF infrastructuredebt financing platform. Over a period, these investmentswill collectively reflect economic development. urag Singh Thakur, Union Minister of State for AFinance and Corporate Affairs has said recently in theparliament that the government has been contemplating infusing more investments prioritising growth of infraand health sectors to streamline the economy. For this, he saysthe government has taken various steps. For enabling debt financing of Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) by Foreign Portfolio Investors included in the Finance bill 202...

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News Analysis

Vivad se Vishwas

Cleaning off disputes for a bumper The scheme after extension by four times mopped up a sum of ₹98,328 crores from 1,28,733 declarants. While the collectionconstituted a substantial portion of the disputed sum, the numberof declarants is not proportionate to the amount resolved. Vivad se Vishwas was an amnesty Vscheme announced in the budget 2020 for an amicable resolution of a large number of pending tax disputes between taxpayers and the Income Tax department. The deadline for the scheme was extended four times. The scheme offered a complete waiver on interest and penalty to the taxpayers with a full and final settlement of the dispute. After four rounds of extension, as of 1st March 2021, the scheme led to the resolution of a sum of ₹ 98,328 crores out of 1,28,733 declarations...

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FDI inflow $ 67.54 billion in 9 months

FDI equity inflow grew 40% in nine months through the pandemic period All factors are now in favour of India. The post-pandemic global economy is in a reshaping process. India is racing ahead to consolidate its position. Large economies and wealthy foreign investors, in the past, had many misgivings about India. Those misgivings are parting now. The spurt of 40 per cent in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the first nine months of the financial year, 2020-21 was the result of this change. The pandemic stopped everything in India for many months. Still, FDI flowed in to give a major boost to the economy. FDI is an important source of non-debt finance for the economic development of India. The government also successfully put in place an enabling and investorfriendly FDI po...

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AUS Online Learning

How Indian Universities Can Benefit Indian universities have the potential to be institutions like Arizona State University, tells a pioneer of online education at the FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021 focused on resilience, innovation, sustainability, and enterprise. Professor Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University (ASU), was the keynote speaker at FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021. During the interactive session on 'Online Higher Education: Changing Imperatives', on day two of the summit, Professor Crow spoke about similarities between India and the United States and highlighted how Indian universities have the potential to become inclusive institutions like ASU. Professor Crow is known as the pioneer of online education. Much before the pandemic forced schools and...

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