Author Posts

Great sorrow of George Soros

Great sorrow of George Soros Tainted Philosophy At the World Economic Forum, one of the world's richest men, George Soros lamented over India's increasing nationalist trend. The countries like the United States, Israel, China, Japan and almost all Islamic Republics are strong nationalists. But they are not branded nationalists, since rulers Of those countries do not tolerate that kind Of elements or the people of those countries do not go by what outsiders talk about the country. Still George Soros, with notoriety for funding activists in various countries to gain a bargaining strength in the economy, is more concerned about India. In the name Of philanthropy, he funds reactionaries, remunerates the anti-establishment voices and blackmails the government for his gains. "...

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MSME Special

MSME Survey: Reveals

As per the existing definition, micro-enterprise investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs 25 lakhs, between 25 lakhs and Rs 5 crore, small enterprise and up to Rs 10 crore medium enterprises.For the survey, we visited hundreds of small units promoted by technocrats, units inherited by the second generation, units promoted by entrepreneurs who shed their job to take up the business, units that started as a self-employment initiative. The old economy business still gets only inadequate media attention and no deserving recognition, because of their media shy or not so savvier attitude. They are highly reserved and have no polished attitude. The second generation of small enterprises is yet to think broadly to take their business to the next level. They are found ...

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The death of “lobby-ism”

The death of "lobbyism" Some club members' worry Unpredictability makes Modi and Modi era different from others. Lobbyism has no place, closing down the theaters of fabricated heroes, who used to rule the roost. Earlier heroes were manufactured by rumor mills, which are now thrown into junkyards. Elitism also has gone along with it. Recently, there was a media rumor that former Managing Director of ICICI Bank and now head of BRICS Bank is going to be Union Finance Minister, replacing Nirmala Sitharaman immediately after the budget. But an outdated type of rumor mill that used to make dark horses as heroes at the end hardly works in the Modi era. Many are unhappy with Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman only because she cannot be easily tamed by those with vested intere...

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MSME Special

MSME Current Picture: Need for patronizing small manufacturers

The current picture of the policy environment and comforts of the existing enterprises under the fast-changing policy environment shows MSMEs can grow faster only if there are better awareness and pleasant institutional cajolement. There should be a consistent effort in bringing clusters and business regions beyond the metros and big towns closer to institutions' services, shedding the rituals of conducting white-collar like seminars and sponsorships of high profile sports. According to the Prime Minister, there are five key aspects for facilitating the MSME sector. These include access to credit, access to market, technology up-gradation, ease of doing business, and a sense of security for employees. Our nine-month-long study has been very revealing, that...

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Cover FeatureExclusive

The New India Assurance Company: The Unbeatable Centurion

Atul SahaiChairman & Managing Director The open-for-all 19 years general insurance history of India hasn'tchallenged the leadership of the oldest player of the country.The centurion has not only stayed with its admirable inheritance of the legendary Tatas but also built huge wealth for itsstake holders. With reserve position that is stunningly morethan the market capitalisation and investment income thatcould at least be four times the equity base ever and a strongmanagement capable of meeting every market challenge,NIAC is truly an insurance giant in size and power. A centurion naturally has better experience and knowledge of the market as well as the business it has been engaged in over the years. Decades long experience of the current management contributes to the stren...

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View Point

Company for space business

The government has decided to float a company for carrying out commercial activities of the Department of Space foreseeing a huge business potential. The Central government has decided to set up a new company under Department of Space(DoS),to commercially exploit the research and development work carried out by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Centers and constituent units of DOS. There are many areas and avenues that provide opportunities for commercial exploitation of ISRO programmes, which can be tapped when it gets a company with corporate shape. The new company can take license from DoS and ISRO and sub-license to industries and can transfer small satellite technology to industry. The entity also can manufacture small satellite launch vehicle (SLV) in collaboration with t...

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View Point

Economic sense behind Swachh Bharat

Beneficial works, benefits for business and labourer's The Swachh Bharat Mission, besides triggering business growth in two segments construction materials and hygiene products is considered the world's largest behaviour change programme. This change makes the mission meaningful as the people take home the benefits of the work. On August 15, 2014, in his first independence day address, the Prime Minister gave a clarion call to the nation to fight filth and open defecation, change old habits and achieve a Swachh Bharat by 2019, to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary is on – with clean India, as dreamt by one of India's greatest men. Since August 2014 the things have worked well. Entire Indian has joined...

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Sector Report

General Insurance

General Insurance What is driving the growth of non-life insurance is the premium growth of three major segments within, such as, motor, health and crop. These segments have shown impressive performance last year– above 20 per cent, thanks to the strong government initiative. This year too, the same trend is persistent But there are worries of falling combined ratio. Sustainable economic growth is a reflector of what is store for general insurance business growth. India's non-life insurance sector continues to be heavily under-penetrated compared with the global average, despite being one of the rapidly growing economies in the world. The non-life insurance penetration has been too slow at around less than one per cent in the last decade. In 2016 - 17 the range improved a bit-ye...

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MSME Special

Need of new liberal approach

For MSMEs growth As per the existing definition, micro-enterprise investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs 25 lakh, between 25 lakh and Rs 5 crore, small enterprise and up to Rs 10 crore medium enterprises. Consistent focus on MSME, taking it as a time-bound mission to see each MSME is growing at the rate of 20 per cent can change the look of the Indian economy. There must be a dedicated institutional setup to study the reason for a small unit's negative growth and measures to look after underperforming units based on the skill and integrity of the unit. The approach should be liberal since most of the small units are not so professionally run. Micro small and medium enterprises, popularly known as MSMEs are the backbone of Indian economy. This sector is estimated to c...

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MSME Special

MSME exports rise

The last year saw MSME segment's combined export reaching all time high level in terms of value. According to the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), India's Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise(MSME)sector recorded $147,390.08 million value of products exported in the financial year 2017-18. That was the best performance in the last six years. In the year 2016-17, the MSME's export value stood at $137038.8 million, as almost the same figure of the previous year. Year$ Million2017 - 18147390.082016 - 17137068.82015 - 16130768.72014 - 15138896.722013 - 14133313.282012 - 13127992.76 ...

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