Investment Talk

Is too much transparency and liquidity in Equity, tempting investors to take too many decisions?

A Investor, while calculating the return from the conventional investment products like real estate or gold, is done over a long period, returns from equities are calculated on a microsecond basis daily. ‘There are plenty of reasons, which influence price movements. An investor gets the price of equities regularly but seldom knows the value. It is easy for an investor to exit and enter without any major incidental cost. because equities are more liquid, giving an investor enough comfort to exit anytime he needs. Moreover, there is a high level of transparency in equity products. ...

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Investment Talk

Risk Capacity vs Risk Tolerance

There are two aspects linked with an investor's risk tolerance actual financial capability (risk capacity) to bear unforeseen losses and emotional capability (risk tolerance) to live with the loss. If an investor is unable to emotionally bear the loss under an unforeseen circumstance, he may be tempted to exit the market with his loss in hand without thinking further, although he had the financial capacity to bear the notional loss. For such a category of investors, market volatility is unacceptable and emotionally forbidden. They move out of the market at the wrong time and swear never to return. That is a folly driven either by fear or greed. For example, had an investor made a bet on stocks a year before the lockdown started, out of fear, he would have sold all his equities in Marc...

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Investment Talk

Why do more a savings get channeled into real estate and gold?

The process of putting money in real estate or buying gold requires neither home-work nor support of a consultant. but a broker/agent/jeweller For insurance products, there are 2-3 million agents who keep selling. But when an investor wants to buy equities or mutual fund units, he needs to apply his mind or seek the assistance of a SEBI certified portfolio manager or investment advisor. because it is a matter of deciding by self. by which return is not sure. ...

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