Prasad Panickar is a famous astrologer from Kerala. He visits various cities. Many entrepreneurs invite him to visit their premise and offices, besides meeting him for consultation. Studied astrology in gurukul tradition at Arangotkara in Palakkad district, Kerala under strict discipline and expert tutor, he is known for precise prediction and offering of counseling that satisfies everyone who seeks it.

In Kerala he is known for Ashtamangaliya Jyothisham at temples and ancestral homes. He is a proven expert in reading auspicious and inauspicious timing of a person based on his/ herstar and birth timing and geography and suggesting good beginning for any work. He also suggests ways for tackling crisis caused by unfavorable planetary positions in horoscope, guidance to come out of uncertainty and dilemma in business, and other obstacles in carrying out desirable plan.

He offers solutions for crisis and mitigating measures to avoid unforeseen losses in business, misfortunes, solutions for couples’ infertility concerns over mistimed star movement, bad health, financial crisis, etc. “Businessmen generally believe in planetary movements, good times and bad times. They cherish deep faith in astrology because of their experience and correct reading of horoscope by experts,” he says. Everyone who sought my counseling is happy with my service,” he adds. He combines mathematical logic and scientific approach combined with traditional methods to make accurate forecasting. More importantly, he never prescribes intricate and expensive rituals, but simple solutions through focused customary practices. For him, astrology is not a business, but a godly service. He visits Mumbai and other business towns on regular basis. He can be contacted through +91 9847804944 for direct interaction.

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