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Editor's Insights

States in mess, banks in puzzle : Farm loan waiver is farmers` trap

With farm loan waiver, if our politicians are really aiming a better living for our farmers, who work for making our country food abundant, then they must rethink about this huge task. Loan waiver is counterproductive and in a real sense, it is an anti-farmer gesture. The “write-off” offer makes the farmer's life-time defaulter and leads to worsening their character. Farmers naturally stop repaying with an anticipation that the loan would be written off since a new government comes in. That makes farmers default and spoil their creditworthiness eventually. Let the farmers not get carried away by such promises. The world has gone much ahead. Yet our honorable politicians are reluctant to understand some facts. They are seemingly unwilling to stay out of the box of old thinki...

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Student's Corner

Swelling exchequer

Swelling exchequer Direct tax collection up 14% The jump in tax collection indicates that the government strategy of covering more in the tax net is proving to be successful. The government is flesh with funds now. The tax revenue is on a steady rise. The provisional figures of Direct Tax collections up to December, 2018 show that gross collections are at Rs 8.74 trillion which is 14.1% higher thanthe gross collections for the corresponding period of last year. Refunds amounting to Rs 1.30 trillion have been issued during April, 2018 to December, 2018, which is 17% higher than refunds issued during the same period in the preceding year. Net collections (after adjusting for refunds) have increased by 13.6% to Rs 7.43 trillion during April - December, 2018. The net Direct Ta...

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Student's Corner

Jackpot to the government

Jackpot to the government Wealth in oil exploration Government has taken steps for the development of a gas-based economy in the country, which include a plan for expansion in natural gas supply with the help of additional domestic gas production. The government expects an estimated revenue of Rs 45,000 crore under Discovered Small Field Bid Round-II from 25 Contract Areas; and Rs 9000 crore under Discovered Small Field Bid Round-I from 30 Contract Areas. The gross estimated revenue is based on estimates of oil and gas hydrocarbon in place reserves, assumption in terms of hydrocarbon recovery factor, hydrocarbon sale price, etc, from 25 Contract Areas considering project life of 15 years. However, actual revenue realization from these fields may vary based on actual award o...

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Student's Corner

Trade Bloc

Trade Bloc WTO regime and India's stand-off with certain issues Though the world has become a free-trade zone with the smooth flow of goods, services and intellectual properties without barrier, there are more than enough issues between trading partners or members of other regional trade bodies. In fact, when disputes are common, most Of the time it is perceived that the WTO regime applies a clutch on developing economies, especially in the case Of TRIP, writes Aishwarya Sudheer, a student of final year B. Corn. The US came out with objections against India 18 months after India signing the WTO agreement. That time, it alleged that India had no patent protection for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products in India. India has been a mender of the World Trade Organisa...

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The black business of stent : Making Patients Sicker

India has several big hospitals across the country equipped with world class facilities and eminent cardiologists with sufficient experience. In recent years, the number of angioplasty with stents has tripled as it is safe, effective and non-surgical procedure (no scar on the chest, no anesthesia) and just one day hospital stay has made it more popular option. However, the prohibitively expensive stents made it difficult for the poor and lower middle class people to go for this. Ordinary citizens could not afford to foot the bill in corporate hospitals due to whopping cost of the drug eluting stents (DES) which are considered to be far better than bare metal stents (BMS). The cost of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) has been anywhere between Rs 80,000 and Rs 1.20 lakh, which inc...

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MSME Special

Era of start-ups

Most of the time, start-ups find difficulties in accessing credit from the formal sector, naturally they being new. The government also has provided them many incentives. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion hosted Startup India Global Venture Capital Summit 2018 on 7th December 2018 in Goa. The Summit saw a gathering of global fund managers, limited partners, officials from the Government of India and innovative startups. The dialogue focused on the huge return-generating potential of India's vast and diverse market monetized through cutting-edge technologies supported by investor-friendly regulations. The objectives of the Summit were: showcasing the opportunities in India by discussing and highlighting sectors that provide a wide array of investible opportunities; increasin...

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MSME Special

Bank of Baroda

We are committed to work jointly with various partners to support MSMEs and Start Ups. We have entered into these MOUs with a view to enhance our foot print in delivery of products and services in MSME ecosystem. This is an endeavour to simplify operational processes and to improve access to finance for MSMEs from early to growth stage. We will continue to launch various initiatives in this direction that will support ecommerce and their derivative segment.” P S JayakumarMD & CEO, Bank of BarodaAt Micro Entrepreneurs Conclave, 2018 Admirable MSME approach Bank of Baroda reaches out to MSMEs in multiple ways. The bank works on all the government schemes aimed at promoting MSME growth in true spirit and stays ahead of others in terms of taking them to the ground, thanks to th...

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Medical ethics : On the Back Seat

Ideally the doctors can provide the healing touch to the ailing humanity and they only can make the difference between life and death. While addressing the 46th Annual Convocation of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India said the young doctors must bear in mind the need to uphold ethics and treat every patient with compassion and empathy, irrespective of his or her financial background. That is true, Mr. Naidu has given right advice, but how it would work on the ground is a difficult question. In these days, when medical ethics is merged with business strategy, the message has a value. But how deep the message will sink in the minds of the fraternity cannot be assessed. Medical study is expensive, too expensive for middle class fam...

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MSME Special

Union Bank of India: Centurion with a modern face

Specialised officers who are trained internally take care of MSME vertical to ensure that the ultimate connotation is achieved. The saral centres are working at various regional offices. Currently, Union Bank's MSME asset size stands around Rs69,000crore. Technology equipped operational system, App-based dealing comforts, quick response to the changes taking place in the market, simplification of processes and systems through platforms like Saral, etc make the bank a comfortable destination for MSME transactions including credits. The bank has been growing at the rate of close to 10 per cent in MSME business. Transparent and professionally-run MSMEs can always find timely credit supports from commercial banks in better terms to the extent they would require, though credit is not the so...

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Myth about “No GST” on home buying

The construction cost is down due to GST implementation, thanks to the input tax benefit. This must be passed on to the buyers. Buyers of constructed property are convinced that there is no GST on sale of building and ready to move in flats where sales take place after issue of completion certificate by the competent authority. The government clarifies that this is untrue. GST is applicable on sale of under construction property or ready to move-in flats where completion certificate has not been issued at the time of sale. Housing projects in the affordable segment such as Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) or any other housing scheme of State government etc attract GST of eight per cent. For such ...

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