Author Posts
BlogSajikumar Nair

Time: Who rules it?

Time runs on an equation set by the human world. Today it is fundamental to everything – science, calculation, age of mortal and immortal things. It is notional and illusionary reoriented with the logic of ancient civilisations. And it is on this inexplicable wonder the human world runs and changes the calendar.    The concept of time is the best of all human discoveries. From a new-year celebration to a global positioning system and from e-commerce to planetary missions, everything works on the calculation of time. But the time that we use as a measurement for every activity and calculation of age is only a notion or an illusion – so are all our achievements. Our calendar turns off the wall every 365 sunrise-sunset. We, the sapiens, have set up another cosy planet on the planet ear...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Omicron propaganda and public misery

People are not so afraid of the pandemic. They are scared of the curbs and lockdowns, which are unequivocally life-threatening. People are not so afraid of the infection. But they are scared of the horrendous treatments and cost of hospitalisation.  The third wave never happened as the government warned and the public feared. Massive preparations were afoot as if to fight a big war. Months passed. People moved fearlessly. Nothing worse happened. But those with vested interests continued to wait for the arrival of the wave. Some reactions of our leaders showed they were waiting for the new variant novel Coronavirus so that they could hide their problems and control the flourishing ‘pandemic‘ market. But, this time I doubt whether they can be fortunate with the same product. They may try...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

The theory should be for life but life doesn’t need any theory

Fast-changing human nature cannot hold any ideology or principle for long. As circumstances change, the human mindset also changes. Today’s political ideology and goals become irrelevant tomorrow. What we call a change in the world is merely the change in human aspiration and mindset. Even material changes are susceptible to rapid changes.  Principles, ideologies and identities are human creations. These creations make human life a more complicated one. As nature changes, the nature of the human race also changes. It is from our boastful identity all identity crises emerge. Ideologies create rifts in society and conflict in human minds. The principle is personal. These are unique to human beings. The other animals hold no principle, ideology. They don’t bother with constant changes in ...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Illiberal-ism and inequality

Liberalism is a western concept fabricated on hypocrisy.  As we live negating the rules of nature and laws of the modern state, we face dire consequences. Yet, we preach liberalism with our misjudgement. Nevertheless, our consciousness will not accept the truth that some are still illiberal and less equal.  Isn't the civilisation that we boast about negating liberalism? One can agree or disagree. Every human being is confined to something by the name of ethics or regulations set by modern states or due to a fear of living circumstances. Think about it for a moment. You are not free to do something that your mind keeps telling you. Sometimes, you may call it self-discipline. But some regimes fix us within a cage. In such a world, the term ‘liberal’ finds no space? All other living being...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

The disaster of December downpour

While we are fighting to avert natural disasters that would eradicate every living being from the face of the earth, we are struggling miserably with the weather deviation. Unprecedented and unseasonal rains continue to wash away our homes and livelihoods.  December is India’s peak winter month. The weather has been stable for thousands of years. Two months before the winter sets in, the south-western monsoon rains depart. The autumn through September and October gradually opens the gate for westerly winds. Then a pleasant winter!    The short winter through December and January is said to be the most pleasant time throughout western India, where the weather has always been predictably moderate. The climate calendar always maintains doubtless punctuality. This time na...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Is Omicron an organised plot?

The world has begun to count up the Omicron cases. All the victims are vaccinated. Drug companies, vaccine makers and governments ordering lockdowns have their intentions. The next wave will throw up many uncomfortable questions. Again, the world pressed a panic button against the pandemic when it started waning. A warning much before the first case of the new SARS-CoV2 variant has emerged is only an effort of exaggeration with a suspicious intention. The warning bell rang two days before the Indian SARS-CoV2-Genomics Consortium confirmed the first two cases simultaneously in Karnataka.    Politicians started screaming; experts began free advice, and breaking news and stories flooded the media. For the news-starved media, it seems to be a celebration time. But under the bulldozer who g...

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BlogUdaykumar K.V.

English: Many conflicts ever within

We learn English unwisely and randomly the way most grammar books and English lessons present. I find it a reflection of legacy. As much as 80 per cent of English words came from as many as 350 languages. For that reason, standardisation of the grammatical structure and pronunciation was impossible. Look at the irregular verbs, irregular nouns and even irregular pronunciation. Within irregular nouns, there are irregular plurals. Wherever there is an arguable subject-verb agreement, 'concord' protects it. The challenges of many grammarians to give interpretations on the language structure over many years made the bristly Anglo-Saxon language into gentle modern English. Now neither the language of the Father of English nor the Father of English literature is prevalent. You may see British a...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Who and what can prevent the calamities?

Calamities by environmental changes are not natural calamities. Given the human nature of selfishness and dishonesty towards common issues, a solution for ecological concern is a faraway reality. When a disaster hits, the local government wakes for the moment with compensation. When there is global pressure, the government takes a few steps for some time. Those steps haven't been effective. The government, however, never appeals to the people to reduce luxuries. Instead, it brings more multinationals (MNCs) to make vehicles. It believes electric vehicles (EVs) are better than those which run on fossil fuels.  Man-made calamities or calamities as a result of fouled human actions are not natural calamities. They are unnatural by unnatural human behaviour. The unnatural calamities have be...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

What makes formal education an aimless exercise?

We cannot meet the purpose of education when schooling becomes a mere ritual and its delivery on a sheer commercial term. Parents spend a staggering amount and their precious time on their children’s education, finally for no return. There is a remarkable fault-line between our educational system and parents’ expectations.   Ram has been craving for education and in search of constantly. After a long search, he could find a guru. The guru lived in a forest near his Gurukul. Ram expressed his desire and appealed for the guru’s discipleship. The guru happily consented.  As Ram settled in the Gurukul, theother children followed his ways to ultimate wisdom through education. Contrary to his expectation about education the guru made him do all household chores and wor...

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BlogSajikumar Nair

Power crisis: A go-slow luxury sign

The release of greenhouse gas emissions on firing mineral resources is now threatening all lives on earth. Coal deposits are depleting now. Mines are in neck-deep torrential rainwater. The depletion of resources means a cut in electricity generation. That eventually means a blow to the human craze for luxury. The old generation always says we have to spend according to our income. If income is less, we need to reduce our expenses. It is applicable in every case. But now the world has changed. The new trend has it that we need to spend more to fuel GDP growth. Then only the cycle will move and fulfil the employment requirements. We always believe in experts, not oldies. Somehow we started spending more than our income, gradually landing up in trouble. As a result, we lose our peace of m...

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